Friday, April 18, 2008

Character Spotlight Friday!! - Super Skrull!!

After the Fantastic Four stopped the Skrulls' attempted invasion of Earth, Skrull Emperor Dorrek invested vast resources into creating a superbeing of his own.

K'lrt, a decorated soldier and warrior of the Skrull empire, was chosen to undergo a process that endowed him with all the powers of the Fantastic Four, except, when powered by an interstellar beam, far stronger.

Super-Skrull has been genetically altered to possess all the powers of the Fantastic Four. As such, he can elongate any part of his body, emit and control flames, use his control over flame to fly, become invisible, form invisible force fields, possess superhuman strength, and transform into a rocky hide/body armor. He is also capable of hypnosis.

Read the full history of the super skrull here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pick. Super Skrull's are AWESOME!!!

- Black Jack